Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blogging Again!

Well, I have decided after taking a long break from writing, to begin again. I used to process so well through writing, and enjoyed it so much. With the birth of my son and life's craziness, blogging got put to the back burner, and every time I tried to pick it up again I felt no peace from the Lord.

Today, as I was thinking through some of the tough things I am going through, I felt urged to write. The desire has been gone for so long and because I felt it today, I totally think that is the Lord bringing me into a new season with Him.

I will try to do my best to blog often. Most of the time when I write, it is to process... so not many "foo foo" fun posts here. I definitely try to include the joys of my life, but this is more of an inside look at my heart... vulnerable, real, and sometimes really rough. :) I feel like the only way to connect with myself, the Lord, and others, is to put it all out there. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Here goes nothing :)

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