Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rough Day...

This morning started out as any normal morning does at my home- Bennett playing in his crib, and finally he is loud enough for me to wake up, roll out of bed, and go get him. We then eat breakfast, have a bottle, and play for a couple hours in the living room. Josh woke up around 8:30 (it was his day to sleep in, lucky guy!). He then got a phone call from his boss, and the day quickly took a turn for the worst. The phone call was rough for him, and he was pretty upset afterwards. So I encouraged him to get out of the house for a bit, blow off some steam, cool down, go for a run... you know, what guys do to release their anger/frusteration/sadness. So he took me up on my offer.

I have noticed, though, that when he has a bad day, it affects me! I hate to see him hurt and upset. I want to fight for him and help him feel better. If I am unable to, it really bums me out. So that was the beginning of the day. Bummer. But totally not the type of thing that can ruin a whole day. We will get through it... right? WRONG.

Then, Bennett fell asleep in the car while we were taking him to the park to play. Normally, he naps in the morning and the afternoon, but lately that morning nap has been giving us fits. Well, today he needed a nap but decided to take it at 11:30am. Horrible timing for a possibility of an afternoon nap.
This may not seem like a big deal, but IT IS. I NEED his afternoon nap. For MY sanity.

So we woke him up. He was fussy. In a terrible mood. But I kept him awake and finally at 3pm I decided to try for a nap. That is later than his normal afternoon nap time but I thought he would go down fine since he had hardly slept all day. WRONG again. Cried. For 30 minutes. Went to check on him... poopy diaper, of course. So I changed him, rocked him, then put him back down. Cried. For another 30 minutes. I finally gave up trying and brought him back downstairs.

After that he was in a relatively decent mood. I was goofing around with him putting my hat on him backwards, and he was actually letting me! He hates hats, so this was major! I thought it was so cute that I got my camera out to take his picture. Instead, with the hat still on his head, he stood up and walked away. Well that would be awesome except the hat slipped over his eyes, he stumbled, and fell flat on his face. Like, serious face-plant. Not only that, but his face smacked right into one of his HARD toys. He immediately started wailing. I threw the camera down, scooped him up and held him tight. First I called Josh, and he told me to call the Doctor. So I did. The nurse said from how I explained it to her, he should be fine. To try to ice it if he would let me (yea right. He won't hardly even let me wipe his face with a damp cloth without putting up a fight.) She also told me to give him some baby tylenol if I thought that would be helpful. I then began crying because it scared me so bad. His eye is swollen and red, and pretty bruised underneath. I hope he doesn't have a black eye.

I swear, this day was against me.

Please be better to me tomorrow. Please. My patience is on empty. Please.

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